How do I export grades from Gradebook?
Instructors may obtain a file in the proper import format by first exporting from the Gradebook and then using that file as a template. By exporting directly from the Gradebook, the file will contain the student information in your site, as well as any existing gradebook item information.
There are two options for exporting your gradebook:
- Export Gradebook - A basic export includes all the students' names and IDs, and the grades and comments entered for each gradebook item.
- Custom Export - This option allows you to select additional items to include in the export, such as the total points, course grade, and course grade overrides. You can use a spreadsheet with grade overrides to import final letter grades to the Gradebook. Custom Export also has an option to download grades for a specific group of students, instead of the entire class.
Use the exported file for offline management of grades OR for quickly creating several gradebook items at once. For more information on importing, see How do I format my file for importing grades into Gradebook?
Video Guide
Step-by-Step Instructions
Go to Gradebook.

Select Gradebook from the Tool Menu in your site.
Select the Import/Export tab.

Use the Export Gradebook option.
Select Export Gradebook.

Select the Export Gradebook button to download the gradebook to your local computer.
View the spreadsheet.

Open the downloaded file in a spreadsheet application, e.g., Microsoft Excel. The spreadsheet contains columns for:
- Student ID
- Student Name
- Two columns for each item added:
- Grades: Total point value is in square brackets after the item title, e.g., Mid-Term Exam [100].
- Comments: Item title is preceded by an asterisk (*), e.g., * Mid-Term Exam.
Tip: If your gradebook includes a category that drops or keeps lowest/highest grades, dropped grades are indicated with (drop). If you excluded specific students' grades from the course grade calculation using Gradebook Classic, excluded grades are indicated with (excl). For more information about dropped or excluded grades, see How does Gradebook calculate automatically dropped grades? or How do I exclude a grade for a particular student in Gradebook?
Use the Custom Export option.
Select Custom Export.

Select the Custom Export link to create a formatted spreadsheet which includes columns to be used for the Final Letter Grade Import, or to limit the grades downloaded to students in a specific group.
Choose the items to include in your export.

By default, Student Name, Student ID, Gradebook Item Scores and Gradebook Item Comments are included in the export.
- Select any of the following checkboxes to add data to the exported file:
- Course Grade: The letter grade calculated by the Gradebook, based on your Gradebook settings.
- Grading Schema(s): A list of Grading Schemas for the students in the site (see the note below for more information on grading schemas).
- Calculated Course Grade: The numeric grade calculated by the Gradebook.
- Course Grade Override(s): Any letter grades that were entered to override the Gradebook's calculated Course Grade.
- Course Grade Override Date: The last date when a grade override was entered.
- By default, grades for All Sections/Groups (i.e., all students in the site) are included in the export. To limit the downloaded grades to a specific roster or group of students, select the appropriate group from the Filter by group/section menu.
Tip: Include Student ID and Course Grade Override(s) to use the spreadsheet for Final Letter Grade Import.
Note: Grading schemas are the scales on which final grades are based. The most common grading schema is UG-GRD (undergraduate graded), which uses a letter grade scale of A-F.
The grading schema used for a student is defined by:
- The degree the student is pursuing, e.g., undergraduate (UG) or graduate (GRA),
- The SIS Grading Basis for the roster in which they enrolled, e.g., graded (GRD), audit (AUD), or credit/no credit (CNC).
Select Download Custom Export.

View custom spreadsheet.
Open the downloaded file in a spreadsheet application, e.g., Microsoft Excel. With all options selected, the custom spreadsheet contains columns for:
- Student ID
- Student Name
- Two columns for each item added:
- Grades: Total point value is in square brackets after the item title, e.g., Week 1 Quiz [100]
- Comments: Item title is preceded by an asterisk (*), e.g., * Week 1 Quiz.
- Total Points: The total points the student earned (This column is not included in an export from a Gradebook with Categories and weighting enabled).
- Calculated Grade: The percentage grade calculated by the Gradebook.
- Grading Schemas: A list of Grading Schemas for the students in the site (see the note above for more information on grading schemas).
- Course Grade: The letter grade calculated by the Gradebook, based on your Gradebook settings.
- Grade Override(s): The heading for the Grade Override(s) column will have the Grading Schema for the roster added to the site. In the example spreadsheet pictured above, it is UG-GRD which represents an undergraduate graded roster. UG = Undergraduate and GRD = graded.
- Course Grade Override Date: The last date when a grade override was entered.
Tip: If your gradebook includes a category that drops or keeps lowest/highest grades, dropped grades are indicated with (drop). If you excluded specific students' grades from the course grade calculation using Gradebook Classic, excluded grades are indicated with (excl).
For more information about dropped or excluded grades, see How does Gradebook calculate automatically dropped grades? or How do I exclude a grade for a particular student in Gradebook?
Note: A Grade Override(s) column will be created for each different Grading Schema added to the site. For example, if you have added an undergraduate roster and a graduate level roster to the same site, two Grade Override(s) columns will be exported, UG (Undergraduate) and GRA (Graduate).