How do I give specific students different date or time settings on an assessment?
You may use the Exceptions to Availability Dates and Time Limit feature to override an assessment's availability settings for specific students or groups.
Common exceptions include accommodations for students who need extra time on assessments, those who are taking an assessment in a different time zone, and those who have scheduling conflicts with final exams in two courses.
For information on editing additional settings, see:
- How do I inspect and adjust the settings of an assessment?
- How do I edit my assessment title or description, or add an Honor Pledge check box?
- How do I enable and use question metadata for assessment Statistics?
- What are the Availability and Submissions options for an assessment?
- What are the Grading and Feedback options for an assessment?
- How do I adjust the layout and appearance of an assessment?
Access the assessment's settings.

For steps to access the Settings page, see How do I inspect and adjust the settings of an assessment?
Note: Changes made to assessments in Working Copies do not affect assessments in Published Copies, and vice versa. If you need to add an exception to a published assessment, select the Published Copies tab before accessing the Settings.
Select Exceptions to Availability Dates and Time Limit.

- Select Exceptions to Availability Dates and Time Limit on the assessment's Settings page.
- Or select the Expand All button to open all the sections on the Settings page.
Select to add an exception for a user or group.

You may add a new exception for an individual (user) or for a group, if you have several students who need the same date or time accommodations.
By default, Exception for User is selected. Change the selection to Exception for Group if needed.
Select the user or group.

From the Select User or Select Group menu, choose the name of the individual or group who needs the exception.
Edit the date(s) and time limit as needed.
After selecting the user or group for the exception, the Available Date, Due Date, Final Submission Deadline and time limit options will appear, populated with the current date and time limit settings from the Availability and Submissions section of the Settings page.
Modify the date(s) or time limit as needed.
Tip: If you start to add an exception, but go back to change the settings in Availability and Submissions while you are working on it, you can select the Clear Exception button. When you select the user or group again from the corresponding drop-down menu, you will start creating the new exception with the updated assessment settings.
Add the exception.
- To add another exception for a different student or group at the same time, or to review the exception's settings in a summary table, select Add an Exception.
- Alternatively, if this is the only exception you will be adding, you may simply Save the settings.
View existing exceptions.
After adding at least one exception, an Existing Exceptions table will appear. This table includes the following information:
- The name of the User or Group with the exception. Users will be listed with their user ID (UVA computing ID or non-UVA email address) in parentheses, e.g., Student, One (tls6u-stu1). Groups will be listed with the word Group: and their name, e.g., Group: Extra Time.
- The exception's Available Date.
- The exception's Due Date.
- Whether or not Late Submissions are accepted.
- The exception's Final Submission Deadline.
- The Time Limit, if one is enabled.
- Options to Edit or Delete the exception.
Edit an exception.
To edit an exception:
- In the Existing Exceptions table, select the Edit button for the exception.
- Above the table, the Exception for User or Exception for Group option will be selected, depending on the settings for the exception. The date and time settings for the exception will display. Edit these settings as needed.
- Select Update an Exception to confirm the changes.
Save the settings.

If the only change you are making to the Settings is adding or editing an exception, don't forget to scroll to the bottom of the page and Save!