How do I view and modify permissions for particular wiki pages, or for the entire tool?
Accessing the Wiki tool

To access the Wiki tool, select Wiki in the tools menu.
Viewing and modifying page-level permissions

To view settings, preferences, and options for a wiki page, access the page and select Info.
Edit permissions and save changes

The system will display a table of page permissions organized by role and type of permission. To change the permissions, select or deselect the checkboxes in the Enable/Disable on this page? row. Select Save to confirm the changes. Note that these changes will only apply to the current page.
The permissions are organized hierarchically; the lowest level of permissions is Read (which gives users the ability to read pages), followed by Edit (which adds the ability to edit pages), followed by Admin (which adds the ability to edit page permissions and restore earlier versions of the page).
Within that hierarchy, the permissions cascade. This means that when a particular type of permissions is changed, its settings will update to match those of the next highest level of permissions. For example, by default, users in the Student and Former Student roles do not have Admin permissions. If the settings for Edit permissions are changed (by deselecting the checkbox in the Edit column and the Enable/Disable on this page? row), then the settings will update to match those of the Admin permissions—and users in the Student and Former Student role will not have Edit permissions.
Viewing and modifying site-level permissions

To view and modify permissions for the entire Wiki tool, select the edit site permissions link.
Edit permissions and save changes

The system will display a table of tool permissions organized by role and type of permission. To change the permissions, select or deselect the checkboxes in the table, then select Save to confirm the changes.