How do I create folders in Resources?
Site Administrators can create folders in Resources to organize files and web links. Folders can be hidden or set to be visible for certain periods of time or by select groups.
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Step-by-Step Instructions
Go to Resources.

Select the Resources tool from the tool menu of your site.
Select Actions, then Create Folders.

- To the right of the Resources folder where you would like to place the new folder(s), select the Actions menu.
- Select Create Folders.
Note: On mobile devices or small screens, the Actions menu displays as a down arrow icon.
Enter the Folder Name.

Add folder details. (Optional)

If desired, select Add details for this item to edit the folder's details. For example, you can hide a folder or specify display dates for it.
For more information about folder details, see:
- How do I hide Resources files and folders?
- How do I set the display of a Resources item to a specific time period?
- How do I add and display more information about a file or folder in Resources or File Drop?
- How do I create a group folder in Resources?
- How do I make a Resources file or folder publicly viewable?
Add multiple folders. (Optional)

If you would like to create multiple folders, select the Add Another Folder link, and another Folder Name text box will display.
Note: You can add as many folders as you want by selecting Add Another Folder.
Select Create Folders Now.

View folders in Resources.

The new folders are displayed slightly indented under the folder in which they are located.