How do I create wiki pages?
To create a new page, you will need to add it as a link from an existing page.
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Step-by-Step Instructions
Accessing the Wiki tool
To access the Wiki tool, select Wiki in the tools menu.
Creating a new page
To create a wiki page, select Edit in the menu bar near the top of the screen.
Title and save the page
Enter a title for the page; enclose the title in square brackets. To save the changes and complete the creation process, scroll to the bottom of the page and select Save.
Note that the following characters may not be used in page titles or links:
- colon ( : )
- commercial at ( @ )
- number sign ( # )
- vertical bar ( | )
- backslash ( \ )
Viewing and editing a new page
The saved page will include a link to the new page. Note that the page title includes a question mark, indicating that the page is new and has not been edited or saved. To view and edit the new page (which will remove the question mark), select the page title.
Edit the page
The new page will appear. To edit the default text on the page, select Edit.
Make edits and save changes
Edit the text in the text window, then select Save. The changes will be saved, and the question mark will be removed from the link to the page.