How do I export the roster?
Note: Due to privacy restrictions, information contained in the Roster tool is restricted to site participants in the Instructor, Secondary Instructor, Teaching Assistant, Owner, or Administrator roles. (Access to official photos is further restricted to participants listed in SIS as instructors, secondary instructors, or teaching assistants for rosters containing those photos.)
Participants in the Student, Member, or Observer roles have no access to any of this information. By default, the tool is hidden in sites created using the site templates, meaning that students will not see the tool in the tool menu. Even if the tool is unhidden, students, members, or observers will see a page with no participant information after clicking on the link.
Go to Roster.
Select Roster from the tool menu in your site.
Select Export.
To export the roster as an Excel spreadsheet file containing the names, user IDs, email addresses, roles, and group memberships of all site participants, select the Export button.
Note: This Excel spreadsheet will not include photos of the site participants.