How do I add, copy, move, or remove a question pool?
Create question pools and/or subpools to store and organize questions for use in assessments.
For more information about question pools, see What is a question pool?
Go to Tests & Quizzes.

Select the Tests & Quizzes tool from the Tool Menu of your site.
Select the Question Pools tab.

Add a question pool.
Add a new question pool as a container for questions.
Select Add New Pool.

Any question pools already available to you will show. Select the Add New Pool link above the list of available pools.
Enter the pool details and Save.

- Enter the Pool Name.
- Add an optional Description or other information about the pool.
- Select Save.
The question pool is ready for adding questions.

To open the pool for authoring and editing of questions, select its name. (For more information on adding questions to a pool, see How do I add a question to a question pool?)
Copy or move a question pool or subpool.

On the Question Pools screen, select Copy or Move under the name of the pool or subpool. In the example pictured above, we select Copy under Calculated Questions.
Select where to place the pool or subpool.

- To reveal existing subpools within a question pool or a higher-level subpool, select the arrow icon (Show/Hide Subpools) next to the pool's or higher-level subpool's title.
- Check the box for the destination of the copied or moved pool (e.g., Math Questions). Select an existing question pool to make the copied or moved pool into a subpool of the selected pool, or select Question Pools TOP to create the copy or move the pool to the top level.
- Select the Copy or Move button. The available button depends on the action you have chosen to take. In the example pictured above, we are copying the question pool, so the button says Copy.
View the new question pool list.

The list on the Question Pools page has changed, reflecting the new arrangement.
When we select the arrow icon (Show/Hide Subpools) in the example pictured above, the Calculated Questions pool has been copied as a subpool of Math Questions. In the case of a copy, the original question pool remains.
Remove question pool(s) or subpool(s).
Select the pool(s) or subpool(s) to remove.

- On the Question Pools screen, select the check box(es) in the Delete? column for the pool(s) or subpool(s) to delete.
- At the bottom of the page, select Delete.
Select Remove to confirm.