How do I notify site participants that content has been added to Resources?
You can automatically notify site participants via the Email Notification feature that an item has been added to Resources. When used, site members receive an email listing any newly added items. The email also includes direct links to the items in the site.
Note: If a file is only available to participants in your site, and a participant who is not logged into UVACollab clicks a link in the email, they will be prompted to log in to access the file.
Go to Resources.

Select the Resources tool from the tool menu of your site.
Add an item.
See any of the following articles for more information on adding items to Resources:
When adding an item, select High or Low notification.

Whether you are uploading a file, adding a web link, creating a text file, creating an HTML page or creating a citation list, the Email Notification option is displayed before confirming the addition of the item. For example, the Email Notification option on the Upload Files screen is positioned immediately above the Continue button you click to confirm uploading files.
From the Email Notification drop-down menu, select the priority level (High or Low) for the notification. Select High - All participants to send an email to everyone in your UVACollab site who can access the files. Select Low - Not received by those who have opted out to send an email only to those who have chosen to receive Resources notifications in their preferences.
- If you choose to notify site participants when you upload multiple files, a single email will be sent to your site participants listing all of the files that were uploaded.
- If you set items in a folder to become available at a certain date, notifying participants when you upload files to that folder will send the email notification immediately. However, students in a course site and members in a collaboration site will not be able to view the files until they become available. If they click links to hidden files in the email they receive, they will see an error indicating that they do not have permission to view those files.
- If you have a folder in Resources set to only be available to specific groups, choosing to notify participants when you upload files to the folder will send email to those participants to whom the folder is available and any instructors or site administrators in the site. Individuals who do not have access to the folder will not be notified.