How do I add and edit a web link on a page in Lessons?
You can add a link to a website on a page in Lessons to direct site participants to external resources, such as articles, blogs, or portfolios.
Once you have added a web link, you can follow the steps to adjust the properties of the web link in the Edit a web link section below.
Go to Lessons.

Select the Title of the lesson page (e.g., Lessons, Activities, Week: 1) from the tool menu in your site.
Select Add Content.

Select Add Content Links.

In the window that pops up, select Add Content Links.
Enter the link text.

Enter the link text that should appear on the page in Lessons in the Item Name field.
Enter the URL.

Enter the URL of the website into the URL field.
Require prerequisites.

Select Don't Release Item Until All Prerequisites are Completed to prevent the release of the web link until all required items above it have been completed. For more information, see How do I ensure that lesson items are completed in a particular order?
Select Save.

Edit a web link.
Go to Lessons.

Select the Title of the lesson page (e.g., Lessons, Activities, Week: 1) from the tool menu in your site.
Select Edit.

To edit a web link, select the pencil and paper (Edit) icon to the right of the link.
Edit the link properties.

- Edit the text in the Item Name field to change the link text that appears on the page in Lessons.
- Enter a description of the web link in the Item Description field. This description will appear below the link text on the page.
- Select Change File or URL to change the URL of the web link. Follow the steps in the section above to change the URL.
- Select Open item in a new window to have the web link open in a new browser tab or window.
- Select a number from the Ident level dropdown menu to set the ident level of the web link on the page in Lessons.
- Enter a CSS class in the Custom CSS class field to customize the formatting of the link. For more information about using custom CSS in Lessons, see the How do I customize the look and feel of pages in Lessons? article.
- Select Don't Release Item Until All Prerequisites are Completed to prevent the release of the web link until all required items above it have been completed.
- Select Require This Item to require that students open the web link before they can access items below it that require prerequisites.
- Release this web link to specific groups in your site by selecting Edit the groups for which this item should be shown. Select the groups from the list that appears.
- Select Update Item.