How do I upload or download files using WebDAV?
You can upload and/or download resources using the WebDAV protocol. WebDAV allows you to transfer files and folders from your local computer to and from your site's Resources or File Drop. We recommend downloading and using the Cyberduck WebDAV client (opens new window) to transfer files to and from your site.
- There must be at least one object (file or folder) in the selected Resources or File Drop tool before you begin the setup procedure. This procedure needs to be done once for each tool before you can use WebDAV to transfer files to and from that tool.
- You may also upload multiple files using the drag-and-drop feature in Resources and File Drop.
Video Guide
Step-by-Step Instructions
All screen shots below are from Windows 10. When you complete the steps, your display may differ depending on your computer operating system and configuration.
Download and install the Cyberduck WebDAV client.

Download the Cyberduck WebDAV client (opens new window) and install it on your computer.
Note: When you download the software, you may be asked to donate or purchase a registration key. This is not required to use the application.
Open Cyberduck, then Open Connection.

Open Cyberduck on your computer.
Select Open Connection.

Select the Open Connection button.
In UVACollab, go to Resources or File Drop.

Select the Resources or File Drop tool from the tool menu of your site.
Select the Transfer Multiple Files tab.

In the tool to which to connect, select the Transfer Multiple Files tab to locate directions for setting up WebDAV.
Note: Each site's Resources and File Drop tool has a unique link to use for its WebDAV connection. To set up connections to multiple sites' Resources or File Drop folders, follow the WebDAV instructions for each tool.
Follow the Set up your WebDAV connection instructions.

- On the WebDAV Instructions page, copy the URL shown to your clipboard. During the setup process, you will paste this URL to establish the connection to your site's Resources or File Drop.
- When prompted for your password, copy the Access Token to paste into the Password field.
Note: For security, the Access Token expires after 7 days. To continue using your WebDAV connection, return to the Transfer Multiple Files page and copy the new Access Token to log in.
Enter WebDAV URL and Login information to connect.

- Select WebDAV (HTTPS) as the connection type from the dropdown menu.
- In the Server box, paste the WebDAV URL from your site's Resources or Drop Box. After you paste the URL, will display in the box, and the full URL underneath it.
- In the Username box, enter the username (either your UVA computing ID or your non-UVA email address) you use to log into UVACollab. After you do this, the URL displayed will change to include your username@. If you are not able to edit the Username field, make sure that Anonymous Login is unchecked.
- In the Password box, paste the Access Token you copied from the Transfer Multiple Files page of your site's Resources or File Drop.
- If the Anonymous Login box is selected by default, uncheck the box.
- If it is not already selected, check the box to Save Password (on a PC) or Add to Keychain (on a Mac).
- Select Connect.
Tip: For security, the Access Token expires after 7 days. To continue using your WebDAV connection, return to the Transfer Multiple Files page and copy the new Access Token to log in.
You can now drag files and folders to and from your computer and the UVACollab site's folder.

Pictured above is a WebDAV connection to a UVACollab site's Resources folder in Cyberduck. You can drag, drop, edit and delete files in your selected Resources or File Drop folder as you would files that are saved on your computer.
Note: If you have permission to read content in a site, you can download multiple files via WebDAV by dragging the files from the site's folder to a folder on your local computer. You can only save, edit or delete files in the selected site's Resources or File Drop if you have the appropriate permissions in the site.
All site participants can use WebDAV to upload files to their own File Drop folders. By default, students will only have permission to download files from Resources in a course site. Instructors can choose to allow students to upload and edit their own content in Resources.